The beautiful and beguiling quality of Bell’s musicianship and Murphy’s subtle remix comes to the fore on the equally beautiful instrumental version.

Both mixes are magical, with the vocal version in particular capable of making the hairs on the back of your neck stand to attention.īell’s impassioned vocal and breezy acoustic guitar playing naturally takes centre stage, with the track’s sweeping synth-strings, toasty bass and a few trademark Murphy flourishes – think well placed delays and fluid electronics – on hand to amplify the song’s bittersweet mood. Such was his love for the song, Murphy decided to remix it for release, completing extended vocal and instrumental versions that enhance the track’s sun-kissed, glassy-eyed appeal. Inside Notorious B.I.G.s old Brooklyn apartment, where he released Ready to Die. “Ready To Die” is an emotion-rich chunk of catchy, loved-up Balearic pop with heart-aching, gut-wrenching lyrics about unrequited love, Bell’s debut is as catchy, infectious and heartfelt as anything the label has released to date – as proved by Lauren Laverne’s decision to champion the record on her BBC 6 Music show.

Claremont 56 continues to champion new, previously unheard talent with “Ready To Die”, the stunningly beautiful and catchy debut from Bel AKA Charlie Bell – a young, Liverpool based singer-songwriter, musician and producer who has a huge future ahead of him.